The Marriage and FamilyĀ Blog


6 Tips For Building a Household of Faith category: marriage category: parenting Feb 05, 2024

We would all agree that building a successful family takes love. But what about faith? Faith sometimes falls by the wayside. However, it is faith that will keep us going when the hard times...

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3 Keys to Intimacy category: marriage Feb 05, 2024

Relationships are all about the connection between two people. The closeness of that relationship determines the level of connection you experience. For instance, you wouldn’t share the...

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Communication Tips for a Happily Ever After category: marriage Jan 23, 2024

Does this little scenario sound familiar? 

Woman: Communication is key

Man: What’s wrong?

Woman: Nothing...

We all know that communication is key to any healthy relationship. However,...

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How to Find Your Match Made in Heaven category: marriage Jan 23, 2024

Stop! Don’t get married! least don’t get married to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons. Have you ever wondered how some people are so lucky in love while you seem to...

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5 Tips For a Healthy Marriage category: marriage Jan 22, 2024

This is an exciting week for the Schaffer family. Our oldest son will be getting married on Saturday, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Due to Covid, wedding attendance has been reduced to an...

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How Your Words Matter: Speak Life Into Your Relationships category: marriage category: parenting Jan 22, 2024

The biggest lie ever taught is, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." I think it's fair to say we have all proved this little saying false.

Words can be used to...

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Teaching the Value of Commitment: God's Example and Yours category: marriage Jan 22, 2024

It seems that commitment is something that is less and less important in our society. As a teacher, I have watched commitment to activities and even to each other digress. The “selfie”...

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