The Marriage and FamilyĀ Blog


6 Tips For Hearing God's Voice category: christian living Jul 07, 2024

One of the most frequently asked questions I get as a pastor is, “How do I hear from God?” or “How can I recognize when God is speaking to me?” So, I want to give you a...

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4 Keys To Effective Prayer category: christian living Apr 16, 2024

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

Did you know that you have the capacity to change things? The Word says that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous...

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5 Tips to Win Your Game Of Life category: christian living Apr 12, 2024


It is March - the month all about basketball (at least in my household). We even have a traveling March Madness trophy amongst our family members. I have yet to win it… maybe this...

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3 Reasons You Should Be Patient category: christian living Feb 05, 2024

Why should we be concerned about building our “patience muscle?” Isn’t it sometimes easier to ask for forgiveness than to react correctly the first time? The truth is patience is...

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How to Be Patient With Others category: christian living Feb 05, 2024

The human experience can be summed up in the phrase, “hurry up and wait.” Life is moving at lightning speed. However, there are times of waiting that feel like they drag on forever -...

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Need More Patience? category: christian living Feb 05, 2024

Raise your hand if you could use more patience in your life! What if we told you that you already have all the patience you need? You might think that’s impossible, but let me explain. 

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Do You Need A Time-Out? category: christian living Feb 05, 2024

Do you remember having to be put into time-out as a child? Or maybe you have disciplined your own kids with the time-out rule.

When my children were little, we had a little blue chair that was used...

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5 Practical Steps to Forgive category: christian living Jan 23, 2024

February is typically the month we focus on love because of Valentine’s Day. Most of the time, we talk about the mushy romantic parts of love. However, I want to focus on the not-so-fun but...

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5 Keys to Find Peace in the Storms of Life category: christian living Jan 23, 2024

 This week, I want to talk about keeping the clutter and chaos of what is going on in the world around us from taking up residence in us. How can we live in this chaotic world yet not let the...

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? category: christian living category: parenting Jan 23, 2024

I have heard many opinions through the years on whether or not Christians should celebrate or participate in Halloween. Many of you who read the title of this blog might have cringed at the subject...

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5 Ways to Stop Complaining category: christian living Jan 22, 2024

Okay, let’s be honest here. How many of us have made complaining a habit? It flows from our mouths without really giving it much thought. Complaining has become a default mode for some -...

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How to Love category: christian living Jan 22, 2024

I had planned to do a marriage or dating blog… you know, since Valentine’s Day is this week. However, this morning in church we were singing, “How He Loves Us,” by David...

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